Saturday 3 December 2011

Task 3c: Sources of Information


Eithne Bryan said...

Love that you have used your iPod as a source of information, I would have never thought of it in that way. Also i love that your students are aswell, as a teacher you always can learn and grow from you students (even if they are being naughty) they will always produce the goods.

Well done for not going for the obvious sources!! x

Lisawhyte said...

Hey Liam,

The ways you have sourced Students, was extremely interesting and even the fact that that Nina uses Friends as a source. It is all relevant. I find that communication between others, is one of the best ways to Network with people because it is a very personal way to source information. An Ipod is a very unique source of information and I think that it is brilliant as it makes this very personal to you. My Iphone is a source I have found most useful as it gives me instant updates whilst I am on the move. The Internet has become outstandingly useful in the past couple of years and I do not know what I would do without it. It has given all performers an opportunity to Network with others, easily and quickly.
I like your thoughts

Lily Corrigan said...

Hi Liam, this is off the current subject, but I just watched you BAPP video and it really cheered me up as I have been a bit on the unhappy side. It's really impressive and show's us and the general public that sometimes you have to do things the way you feel comfortable and not the way the director feels comfortable. Spot on and I know that this video will help change the lives of others who feel like they have been pushed into something they don't want to do.

Have a good week X

Phil Carroll said...

Hey Liam

Love the brain storm. No frills no spills, get the job done – loving your work. Also loving having handed in the assessment and feling like I have some time to blog and comment again.
Nice simple and to the point piece Liam. You hit the nail on the head Liam with you comment
“and there is no point battling against the tide! Go with the flow of internet domination and utilise it!”
This, for me, totally sumarises my feelings throughout the Technology section of this module– if you can’t beat em, join em!

Regarding your point on never having choreographed with any one else and if it’s a good idea.
Napolean Hill wrote a book (a little out dated in terms of the language used as it was written, over 30 years ago but the principles are still very valid even now) called Think and grow rich. In it, (chapter 10), he discusses the power of the mastermind. His theory (and my experience) is that when two minds come together they are jointly more powerful than their sum parts. In fact his opinion is that a third brain is synergetically created.
If you are interested in the subject it may be worth while exploring the theory of ‘the mastermind’.
As someone who is previously used to doing everything on my own, I have begun working/collaborating with others both in property deals and on creative projects and have found it a very positive experience. I understand that choreography is a little different to JV partners in business but there are very strong similarities.
One of my concerns was being let down by the other party, or them not keeping up their side of the partnership, slowing things down or not having the standards/caring as much as me.
However with proper clarification of each persons role, ensuring that you share similar work ethics and pulling in the same direction, you are much more likely to help each other, enhancing the project, rather than dampen each others creativity.
It can also be just much more fun.

What are your current thoughts on why you have never partnered up before now?

Have a look, when you have a minute, at the post Task 2c: Critical Reflection on Reflective Practic...which you previously posted on as I would like to hear your further thoughts (I am really enjoying the book by the way) on my response. I will reply to your comments on Task 3b – Theories relating to networking shortly now I have more time to get back to reading and commenting. It is really beneficial having others views and opinions and the subject of control/planning and spontaneity/in the now as it has been pushing forward as an area of great interest as this course has progressed.

Stay safe - Phil

Sarah Pearson said...

Hi Liam,
A few questions regarding your information source 'speaking with your students'. I was wondering if your students actually inspire/alter your choreography. You mentioned that they keep you up to date with current trends. Does this mean you would be inclined to change a certain style you had planned to teach after discussing with them what they enjoy/dislike/would particularly like to learn?
Do you find yourself ever learning new dance techniques from them? This is a funny idea because then the teacher becomes the pupil, but you are also learning from an experience. I have found that this has been the case with me in some of my dance teaching lessons.

Jo Bradley said...

Hi Liam,
Happy New Year :)
The idea of your I-Pod being a source of the I-POD the way you organise and gather the info and the source actually your friends and family that provide you with the new tracks etc..? Just a thought..
If this were the case I think an I-POD is a great way to gather information sources, it is portable, has great storage capacity and is perfect for our on the go lifestyles!

I had a little giggle to myself when reading about the 'status searches' you do on Facebook. I do this so often without realising: I will find out about an audition or class just by spending an hour or so browsing facebook (I feel like a stalker, haha).

For so long I have been reluctant to say that I use Facebook in a professional way, however the more I reflect and comment on other people's sources, the more I realise that I definitely do use it to enhance my Professional Practice :)

Lovely to read as always, take care :)

Jo Bradley said...

Hi Liam,

towards the beginning of the course I remember you blogging about how you can be notified if someone makes a comment on something you have commented on.
I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how to do this?
I find that I am commenting on other blogs but I cannot keep track of the conversation because I am not alerted of additions to the blogs.
Thank you Liam xx

Liam said...

Hi Jo,

Unfortunately the site I was using to keep track of comments seems to have gone down, as I can no longer get onto the site. However, now I am simply "subscribing by email" (link underneath the comment box on every post). This means you get an email every time another comment is made.

Hope this helps,


Jo Bradley said...

Thanks Liam, that's great! I will do that :) xx

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